Welcome to Toronto, Em Beihold! Em opened Saturday night’s sold-out show at the Velvet Underground supporting Anson Seabra on The Wonderland Tour. The American singer-songwriter played her set with ease and comfort, jokingly noting that she did not fear playing to the club show crowd but rather was focused on correctly pronouncing “Toronto” as a Torontonian would. Em offered dialogue throughout the set, sharing some inspiration behind her songs, including a track penned after being led on.
Em Beihold has built a solid following from the social media app TikTok where her tracks “City of Angels”, “Groundhog Day” and her closing track “Numb Little Bug” have grown in popularity. Her set sweetly connected with the young audience, singing and swaying along.
Em Beihold was joined on stage by a single guitarist, and at one point in the set, she picked up a ukulele to serenade the crowd all on her own.
As she closed her performance, she graciously took a cowboy hat from the crowd as a fun accessory to end the set with. It was clear Em had a friendly bond with her Canadian crowd; she was welcomed with open arms and ended the night with a sing-a-long to “Numb Little Bug” followed by an invitation to meet the singer at her merch table after the singer’s set.
Em Beihold